NNPS Teaching & Learning
Kipp Rogers, Ph.D.
Chief Academic Officer
Darrell Pankratz
Executive Director
Secondary Teaching & Learning and K-12 Programs
Lori Wall
Elementary Teaching & Learning
Phone: (757) 283-7850

Model Teachers: Health & PE
Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!
Chelsea Jordan
Content: Health and Physical Education
School: Ella Fitzgerald Middle
Years Taught: 6
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I believe the team that you work with is important to both your success and the success of your students. I remember feeling like I needed more support from my team and not knowing how to ask for it.
Why do you love working for NNPS?
I love working for NNPS because it always feels like we are looking for ways to improve! Students change, practices eolve, and NNPS seems to support us all moving forward, not staying in the same spot!
Alison Kirsteatter
Content: Health and Physical Education
School: Hines Middle
Years Taught: 15
What do you love most about teaching?
The students. I love challenging myself to keep them engaged so behavior issues are down.
What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
Organized chaos, in the best way. Everyone doing what they should be doing, but also enjoying being in the environment.
Meet Our Model Teachers
Elementary School
Middle School
High School