NNPS Teaching & Learning
Kipp Rogers, Ph.D.
Chief Academic Officer
Darrell Pankratz
Executive Director
Secondary Teaching & Learning and K-12 Programs
Lori Wall
Elementary Teaching & Learning
Phone: (757) 283-7850

Model Teachers: 4th Grade
Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!
Elizabeth Schley
Grade: 4th Grade
School: Yates Elementary
Years Taught: 15
What do you love most about teaching?
I love that each child is unique and how to best teach them is a puzzle that I want to solve. I love to get to know every student as an individual and find out their strengths, their struggles, and their passions. I have worked for many years with English Learners, students with special needs, struggling students, gifted students, etc. I have found in all my years and with all those labels repeated, I have never had 2 identical children with identical needs or learning styles. I love figuring out what works for each child and for each class.
What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
My classroom is organized. The kids know routines and expectations and, for the most part, stay engaged whether I am with them directly or working with others. I am passionate about integrating the arts and other hands-on experiences as often as possible and giving students independence and ownership. We also love to joke and have fun in my room! It’s all about expectations, engagement, and balance.Charisse Boyd
Grade: 4th Grade
School: Saunders Elementary
Years Taught: 6
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
My passion for supporting fellow teachers comes from my wanting to give back to my district the same support they gave me. I feel that my success as a teacher is directly related to the caring, quality mentorship and model teacher experiences I received during the first two years of teaching. I want to be the model who shows that teaching is truly a work of the heart and that there are no perfect lessons, only teachers striving to do what is best for their students.
What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
The word that best describes me as a teacher is committed. I will never give up, no matter how difficult or tiring the job may get. I have a strong desire to meet students where they are and to help them reach their full potential. I always strive to be the teacher that will go the extra mile and will stop at nothing to give my students the education, attention, and care they deserve. My dedication was recognized when I was named the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year for my school, an honor that reflects my passion for making a lasting impact in my students' lives.
Jasmine Blackwell
Grade: 5th Grade
School: An Achievable Dream Elementary
Years Taught: 9
What do you love most about teaching?
I love interacting with children every day! My classroom is relaxing, but we also have a lot of fun. Students are constantly talking, and we ask a lot of questions! There is so much love and respect in our classroom. I really feel like I make an impact on my students.
What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Patient and empathetic. I understand how children feel and I like to do my part in caring about their feelings and allowing them to share and be a part of a classroom community.
Why do you love working in NNPS?
I grew up in Newport News Public Schools. I appreciate how the district has grown, and I would love to be a part of the continued growth. I know that teaching is hard; I just hope that I can provide something that other teachers find useful.
Audrey Wilson
Grade: 3rd Grade
School: Sanford Elementary
Years Taught: 10
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
Teaching is such a challenging but rewarding profession. I feel like being a mentor is my way of contributing to growing the profession, especially in a season where teachers are hard to find.
What do you love most about teaching?
I love the daily challenges of teaching. I appreciate that no two days are exactly the same and that the kids always keep me on my toes.
What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
My classroom is structured but empathetic. I believe that routines and schedule are very important for young learners, but my classroom is also a space to deal with big emotions that don’t follow our daily timeline.
Meet Our Model Teachers
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