Model Teachers

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Model Teachers at NNPS

Model Teachers:
High School Science

Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!

Tori Allan

Content: Biology
School: Warwick High
Years Taught: 5

What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
Close! My room is physically small, especially for a science room, but most of my classes develop their own personality and culture as a group. I think my students generally feel more a part of the class in my room than they might in their other classes.

What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Energetic. My students say they like my teaching because I seem like I enjoy my job and the topics I teach them about.

Rita Mina

Content: Chemistry
School: Woodside High
Years Taught: 26

What do you love most about teaching?
My students and the subject I teach.

What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Creative! I like to challenge myself and always include something new in my daily lessons to meet student's needs.

Joyelle Anderson

Content: Earth Science & Environmental Science
School: Woodside High
Years Taught:16

What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Enthusiastic! I genuinely geek out on the content I GET to teach, and my scholars feel and see that! As the leader of my classroom, I am the thermostat—the atmosphere creator. Therefore, it is imperative that I bring my passion for learning and for the growth of my scholars in all areas to the classroom each day. This approach helps to keep my scholars engaged with the content and connected to me and each other!

Why do you love working in NNPS?
I have been fortunate to have taught scholars in multiple districts, in multiple states, due to military moves. The incredible instructional support I receive from NNPS Science Supervisor, Dr. Rodney Culverhouse, and his team of Instructional Coaches, Casey Ruder and Amanda Riordan, is unlike any I have experienced! I also am fortunate to have an incredible API in Grayce Foley, an amazing Science Lead in Margaret Wiggins, and rockstar fellow Science teachers on the Woodside Team! Why do I love working in NNPS? Two words: Leadership and People—those make the biggest difference for me!

Lauren Burns

Content: Biology
School: Heritage High
Years Taught: 8

Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I truly think teachers learn best from other teachers! I learn so much from watching my peers teach. The more opportunities I can provide for others, the better.

What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
"Controlled Chaos." I know that sounds bad, but we are usually doing multiple activities or "moving parts" in a day. On a lab day, for example, there are multiple students in different places, but I can bounce from group to group and assist them as needed. During activities at their desks, students may have a list of items to complete, so it may appear that students are working on different tasks, but they are working and engaged. My point is, I know exactly where and what my students should be working on, even if that looks different for each group or student.