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Home School Requirements

The Virginia Code provides for exemptions from compulsory attendance requirements for those children who are to be instructed at home.

Please download the following home schooling documents. PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTS COMPLETELY prior to turning in an Intent to Home School form. You must provide an Intent to Home School packet every year you plan to home school. NNPS Policy IHBG-P: Procedures, Home Schooling.

Please note: The Homeschool office is paperless. Please email all homeschool documents to [email protected] for processing. Documents will be accepted starting on June 1.

Notice to Parents/Guardians of Home Schooled Children

Official notice must be given by August 15. Please make sure to include these three items as your notice:

  1. Notice of Intent form,
  2. proof of the option you have chosen to be recognized as eligible to provide home instruction, and
  3. a list of subjects to be studied.

Also, please be reminded that test results from the completed homeschool year are due by August 1. If you have not already done so, please email the results along with your completed Intent to Provide Home Instruction form to [email protected].

Any questions can be addressed to Octavia Brown, Gatewood Peep Center, (757) 591-4812.