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License Renewal

Renewal Requirements

  1. Page one of the renewal application:
  2. At least 180 Professional Development points:
  3. Completion of Statutory Requirements

Email page one of the renewal application to the Licensure Coordinator, Tanya Andreas at [email protected].

You must have at least 180 professional development points (270 if you have a 10-year license). Please see the VDOE Renewal Manual (in Licensure Forms Tab) for more information.

View Renewal Information from the Virginia Department of Education.

10-year Renewal Manual

Statutory Requirements

  1. Child Abuse and Neglect Training
  2. Dyslexia Awareness Training
  3. First Aid/CPR (hands-on)/AED
  4. Meaningful IEP Online Training
  5. Building a More Inclusive School Community
  6. Cultural Competency
  7. School Counselors only: Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training. You must complete training in each of the following domains: Depression, Trauma, Violence, Substance Abuse, and Youth Suicide.
    Please indicate via email the training used for each domain.
  8. Virginia State and Local Civics Module (see required endorsements below)

Frontline Helpful Hints

Emergency First Aid & CPR Videos and Hands-On Training – 5 PD points
Go to mynnps.nn.k12.va.us/safety and complete the following steps:

  • Step 1 - Complete CPR, AED & Airway Obstruction, and First Aid Videos. You must print and save the completion emails and take them to the hands-on training.

  • Step 2 - Register and sign-up for hands-on CPR Training for one of the four NNPS offered sessions. Please contact your building PE department for further assistance with this step.

  • Step 3 - The Health and PE team will enter your PD points in Frontline once all components are complete. This training is intended for new hires or individuals renewing a license at the end of the current school year.

**This option is usually not available after February of each school year. After February, you must arrange training with The Red Cross, The American Heart Association, or a comparable organization**

Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition & Intervention Training - 5 PD points
Click here to access the abuse and neglect training module. Once completed, please upload the certificate in your file library, and submit a relicensure report form in Frontline for points to be awarded.

Dyslexia Awareness - 5 PD points
Click here to access the dyslexia awareness training module. Once completed, please upload the certificate in your file library, and submit a relicensure report form in Frontline for points to be awarded.

Meaningful IEP Online Training - 5 Points (new requirement)
Click here to access the Meaningful IEP training module. Once completed, please upload the certificate in your file
library, and submit a relicensure report form in Frontline for points to be awarded.

Building a More Inclusive School Community
Click here to access the building a more inclusive school community training module. Once completed, please upload the certificate in your file library, and submit a relicensure report form in Frontline for points to be awarded.

Cultural Competency Training (required after July 1, 2023)
As required by Code of Virginia § 22.1-298.7, no later than the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, each school board employee, including teachers, leaders, and other licensed staff, must complete cultural competency training or instruction. In addition, effective July 1, 2023, every person seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license shall complete instruction or training in cultural competency.

School Counselors Only: Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training
You must complete training in the following domains: Depression, Trauma, Violence, Substance Abuse, and Youth Suicide. For more information, see School Counselor Training Matrix.

Virginia State and Local Civics Module - 5 points
Click here to access the civics module. You must complete the civics module if you currently hold any of the following specific endorsements on your Virginia teaching license. NOTE: Any individual who has previously taken the Civics Module must choose "Reset Progress" and "Start Over" to begin training.

Early-Middle Education K-8
Elementary Grades 1-7
Elementary Grades K-8
Middle Education Grades 5-8
Middle Education Grades 6-7
Social Studies-Without History

Elementary Grades NK-8
Elementary Grades 4-7
History and Social Sciences
Middle Education Grades 6-8
Middle Education 6-8: History and Social Science

Elementary Grades K-7
Elementary Grades NK-8
Middle Education Grades 4-8