Elementary Teaching & Learning

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Elementary English at NNPS

Elementary English at NNPS

Elementary English at NNPS

The NNPS Elementary English curriculum utilizes evidence-based literacy instructional practices to foster student growth towards and achievement of the Virginia Standards of Learning in kindergarten through fifth grade. Our comprehensive literacy program incorporates all four components of literacy: reading, writing, communication, and research. In the primary years (kindergarten through second grade), instruction is focused on establishing strong foundational skills as students learn to read. In upper elementary (grades three through five), lessons shift to be centered around providing experiences for students to read to learn. Across all grades, teachers provide:

  • explicit instruction

  • differentiated guided and independent practice

  • immediate and corrective feedback

  • balanced assessments that inform future instruction

Questions? Please call the NNPS Elementary English Office at (757) 283-7850 x.10245.

Literacy Core Beliefs

Early literacy and language development are the gateway for life-long learning and communication.

A strong foundation of literacy includes systematically and explicitly teaching reading, writing, research, and communication strategies.

Students should experience a variety of genres and perspectives that reflect and expand on the diverse world in which they live.

Literacy is the lens through which students interpret and express information in all content areas.

Literacy is a human right. Students deserve equitable access to high-quality teachers, instruction, resources, and opportunities to learn.

A professional workforce is retained through high-quality professional learning that equips all educators to engage students in content and cognitive learning experiences.

Learners develop background knowledge by reading, listening, and viewing widely, researching topics of personal interest, and talking about their learning with others.

Meet the Elementary English Team

Shaundalyn Thomas
Instructional Supervisor
(757)283-7850 x.10245

Kelly Erickson
Instructional Specialist

Melanie Malsbury
Instructional Specialist

Dennise Mann
Instructional Specialist