Dual Language Immersion at NNPS

Dual Language Immersion at NNPS

Dual Language Immersion Instruction

We are now accepting DLI applications for the 2025-26 school year! To be considered for our DLI preschool program, you must first be accepted into the NNPS preschool program. Please ensure that you have registered your student through the NNPS preschool site.

The school district's DLI program offers students instruction in English and Spanish. In the DLI program, both native English and native Spanish-speaking students will learn content (e.g., math, science, social studies, language arts) from the NNPS curriculum and meet all Standards of Learning, with half of the content presented in Spanish and the other half in English and a focus on biliteracy. The program will grow over time into a full pre-K-12 program. Our program has expanded to high school, and students who have completed our elementary dual language program may continue their studies in the DL program at Gildersleeve Middle School and Menchville High School.

Language is learned best when children have a real reason to understand and use it. Immersion programs provide this context by teaching academic content through another language. Students aren't just learning Spanish or English; they are learning math or another subject that is taught in that language. Teachers make sure that the students can understand the meaning of what they are saying by using linguistic and non-linguistic strategies such as:

  • Linguistic strategies
    • Slower speech
    • Clear articulation
    • Controlled vocabulary and sentence length
    • Paraphrasing and repetition
    • Synonyms, antonyms, and cognates
  • Non-linguistic strategies
    • Concrete referents (visuals, manipulatives, and concrete objects
    • Multiple representations (showing a concept in more than one way, such as using more than one visual or adding a gesture/action)
    • Concept organizers that graphically depict information
    • Physical classroom space that supports language learners (charts, posters, displays, bulletin boards, anchor charts, etc.)
    • Kinesics (gestures, facial expressions, body language, and pantomime)

To learn more about the DLI program, please download the informational brochure. To view information for current DLI families, download the Handbook for Families.