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Tuition for Non-Newport News Students

(Source – School Board Procedure DFG-P)

Non-resident students wishing to attend Newport News Public Schools as tuition students must complete the Tuition Approval Application and submit it to the Central Records Department. Once received the form is forwarded to the corresponding department pertaining to the grade level of the student (i.e., Elementary/Secondary Education or Special Education). If approved by the Executive Director of that department, the form is returned to the Central Records Department for a letter of approval to be sent to the parents with information regarding payment and registering their student for school. If the application is denied, it is returned to the Central Records Department for a letter of denial to be sent to the parents with full explanation. Tuition is based on the School Board approved annual rate, prorated on a daily basis for those students enrolling for less than 180 days. If students move out of the division during the last two weeks of school, tuition for those two weeks will be waived. Students and their parents who are moving to the city no later than September 30 of any school year may have their tuition waived, provided that the parents have a signed sales or lease agreement indicating occupancy no later than September 30 of that school year.

Parent(s) and their student(s) who are moving to the city during the school year may have their tuition waived under the following circumstances:

  1. Parents who have signed a lease agreement indicating an occupancy date no later than October 1st will have tuition waived for the month of September.

  2. Parents who have a home under construction or contract for purchase with occupancy to take place within a reasonable time frame as determined by the Superintendent will have tuition waived during such time frame. Parents must provide written documentation indicatingestimated occupancy date and the location of the home. Tuition payment would be required after said date, if occupancy has not takenplace until such time as occupancy occurs.


A monthly payment schedule, with payments due the first business day of each month, will be established. The first and the last month's payments will be due at the time the application is approved. Such schedule will ensure that all payments have been made no later than June first (1st) of each school year. Parents or legal guardians will be notified when payments are not made on time. A $25 late payment fee will be assessed at this time. If payment is not made within five (5) working days after such notice, the school will be notified that the student is no longer eligible to attend the Newport News Public Schools and the student will be withdrawn. Any person receiving three (3) delinquencies within the same school year will forfeit their privilege to make monthly payments and then the entire remaining balance will become due and payable immediately.

Parent or Guardian Date Regional Programs (Enterprise Academy and Point Option)

Tuition charged to school divisions for Newport News Public Schools' programs offered on a regional basis will be established using one of the procedures determined by the Superintendent or designee (see below). In either case, the student will remain enrolled in the home school division and that school division will collect state aid for the student.

  1. The tuition payment will be based on the actual cost of the programs prorated by the number of days and students in the program; or

  2. An annual tuition rate will be established by the Newport News Public Schools' Division Superintendent or designee.

For more information, please contact the Central Records Department at (757) 591-4537.