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VHSL Standards

NNPS Students' Academic Standards for Participating in Virginia High School League (VHSL) Activities

All students participating in any Virginia High School League sponsored activity will have to meet academic standards established by the school board.

  1. Students participating in any VHSL sponsored activity must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. They may meet this requirement in two (2) ways:

    1. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; OR
    2. Students must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher for the previous semester.
  2. Students must continue to meet all VHSL eligibility requirements in addition to the 2.0 GPA minimum.

  3. Students also have the option of taking a one-time waiver from the 2.0 requirement for one semester for any reason during their time (eight semesters) in high school, but they must continue to meet all other VHSL standards. Forms can be obtained from the high school athletic directors.

  4. Students who lose their academic eligibility while participating in a VHSL activity in which the season or district competition extends beyond the semester will be allowed to continue participation until the particular season ends, but will not be able to participate in other extracurricular activities until academic eligibility is restored.

  5. Transfer students' academic eligibility for participation in a VHSL activity will be determined initially by their incoming GPA. This eligibility criterion will apply through and include the student's first semester of attendance in Newport News Public Schools. Transfer students who do not meet the academic requirements for the school year in which they enter will be denied academic eligibility during their first semester in Newport News Public Schools. After their first semester as a student in the Newport News Public Schools, the GPA requirements in item 1 shall apply.

  6. Summer school grades will be averaged in with second semester grades.

  7. A special education student who is working toward a special diploma/certificate must make standard progress in those courses taken as determined by the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). A special education student who is working toward a standard diploma must meet the same academic standards for participation in VHSL activities and extracurricular activities that are required for all students.

  8. If there are differences between the school board policy and the Virginia High School League (VHSL) regulation, the provision that establishes the stricter rule will apply. If either the school board policy or the VHSL regulations contain a condition or requirement that the other one does not, the stated condition or requirement will apply.

Rev. 09/15